Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Missoni for Target.... A Great Add-ons for Home and for Girls!!

Yeah, I know, Target's website is down and boo...... such a bummer!! 
I know if I can't see anything online, I'd pissed so I decided to stop by Target even though I am slow-motioned driving there when I should really vroom vroom....... before everything is gone!!

You know, I am not the crazy one...this is only the modest. 

Well, not so bad and here are the hauls I scored...{no, I did pay, and I can't believe I bought $691 from Target which is equal to a year supply of toilet paper, kids' shampoo, cheetos, toys, gift wraps, Mascaras, and maybe kids' Halloween costumes, Christmas cards I ever spent.}  except I really want a Missoni throw and maybe that bike just to display it in our living room!! {Therefore my guests will know what's the big deal of Missoni for Target, right?!} 

For girls, me and for home. 

Two pillows and one zigzag storage box which I used for leveraging dimensional look for photo frames at the side table. 

Go color and pattern wild in family room. 


For Heidi and me

For Ilona

For Niel, my son. {I hope he doesn't mind....  ^O^}

Love that mini skirt which would go perfectly with my last year buy M Mission sweater!!

I put back the hat as I have way too many... but keep the lightening socks. Hooray~~

Cardigan, check (out)!! 


Both Oct. magazine 

Yeah, I love the zigzag sweat pants, it is a keeper!!

Stay tuned .. I shall have more modeling pic. in the next following days..
Play with zigzag pattern ~~ 

xoxo Rachel 
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