The last time I coloured my hair was in the beginning of December. Originally I loved it as the highlights added some lovely dimension to my hair, but 8 weeks later the colour had lifted considerably and started looking brassy.
As my natural hair colour is a little more ashy the orange tones made my roots look even more obvious. You can see them peeping through above.. eek!
I needed a quick change before Valentine's Day so I decided to go for something a touch darker, but still on the brown spectrum. The colour that caught my eye was Garnier Nutrisse 6.3 Deep Reddish Brown (really imaginative name).
The application was pretty standard, though I did start to worry a little when the cream began taking on a purple hue! The only thing I noticed is that there seemed to be less product than in most box dyes (and believe me I have tried my fair share from a range of brands). I know if you have long hair it is recommended to use two boxes, but I have never had a problem before as I take my time during application and spend the 30 minutes waiting time in an attractive shower cap that also seems to help the colour spread evenly.
So ladies, remember we were hoping for a rich 'reddish' brown...
The flash actually makes it look a little better, but straight after the dye my hair definitely had more than a tinge of purple. It was also uneven, with the ends being a lot darker than the roots, which is strange as I applied the least amount of product there and the dye was on the ends for the shortest amount of time.
After a few washes it seems to be evening out a little, though this is only because it won't stay in my hair!
Even though this dye is marketed as a permanent dye, hence the horrible ammonia stench, every time I wash my hair it runs much more than any semi-permanent I have ever tried. When first rinsing it out I noticed that the dye just kept running and running and it took almost half an hour until the water became somewhat clear. The next time I washed it in the bath it was a scary sight! Now, 3 washes later I am at a loss as to what to do as it seems deterimined to stain every towel that I own, and given the current rain I am scared of what will happen if I don't keep it under a hat and umbrella at all times.
Garnier Nutrisse gets a big thumbs down from me :(. As much as I enjoy having pink foam all around me every time I have a shower it's a little worrying that my hair can start leaking at any sign of precipitation!
Have you guys ever tried this range of dyes? Did you have a similar problem or is this just my luck ;)?