You know, one thing that makes you really happy in life is don't linger around in the past!!! What do I mean by that?!!! For instance, how many of us trying to find a particular brand/color of bag, a pair of pants, or a pair of shoes which we know they are on sale and couldn't let go just because they are dirt cheap in our own standard?!! We would spend the whole day going on line, making phone calls, talking to the customer services.......etc. to track down the items we want!!!!! What a waste of time, don't you think?!!
After the BNY warehouse sale, I feel much relieved!! As if I had the same attitude about everything, I would have a more forward thinking and be able to not lugging those desire around. :)
Girls, clean up your closet, donate or sell most of the clothes you don't wear anymore. Also, how about your kids' first drawing, school papers....etc, if they are hidden in the storage, why not just get rid of them? They would be in the storage forever anyway!!! You will realize how much life junk you have and how free you can be literally and figuratively after cleaning up!!!!
My friends keep asking me what's in my wish list for fall/winter? Honestly, I don't know. Maybe I am reluctant to wake up the vanity inside of me!!! haha... Couple things for sure is I want a diamond ring, one or couple pair of nice heels and a whole album full of myself!! I have contacted couple great photographers and now is just "when" I'd love to have my 30th something memories done!!!!

I found wearing Y-3 jacket and that vest together makes an interesting coat on me!! :)
Please pardon my ugly hair-do...:P

I notice I am a little sleep deprived this week so I cropped out my head! :P

1. TOP:
3. SHOES: Diesel black gladiator
1. TOP:
- Dimension white shirt dress
- Y-3 black sheer ruched cropped jacket
- IROO black w/ sheer trim waist coat
3. SHOES: Diesel black gladiator
- Embroidery necklace w/ beads (from Anthro.)
- Chanel 08 s/s black Rodeo Drive tote in large
I found wearing Y-3 jacket and that vest together makes an interesting coat on me!! :)
Please pardon my ugly hair-do...:P
I notice I am a little sleep deprived this week so I cropped out my head! :P
Now I am eyeing a new Chanel bag but haven't had the chance to see it IRL!! :P

Both cropped jacket and vest has similar textile so they match together.
Both cropped jacket and vest has similar textile so they match together.