Bow Ties, Dreaming of Mint Juleps, and Marie Antoinette Texas!!!
San Antonio (Fashion) Prom: Nick Verreos poses with his sister RitaLast week, I was flown to
San Antonio Texas to co-host a fabulous fashion show titled
IMAGINE 2009 is the "Graduate Fashion Show" of the newest fashion school in San Antonio, the
International Academy of Design and Technology/IADT, which opened its doors only two years ago. I was extra excited when I got the call, since as I stated previously here on my blog, my mom and dad--as well as my sister and her children--live there, so it was a great excuse to visit them. Even if it was for a quick couple of days. My family picked me up at the airport and they immediately took me to their favorite "Chinese Buffet" restaurant. My nephew and niece love this place and I can't turn down a good buffet.
It almost seems like EVERYTHING in Texas is Buffet style. All big and all plentiful. I love me some Texas!
Loosen That Damn Bow Tie: Nick Verreos poses with San Antonio native and Ford model Randy Valle and friend at IADT's IMAGINE 2009 Fashion ShowAfter a fun and relaxing night playing the part of "Uncle Nick", I headed to the grand
Omni Hotel at the Colonade, to check in and get ready for my big night of fashion. I decided to wear a beige suit and colorful
Marc Jacobs bow tie---I was trying to vibe a "Southern Gentleman/Dandy sitting in a veranda sipping on a Mint Julep" but ended up looking like someones "kooky" uncle!
Nice Beard: Rita Verreos interviews her brother Nick for LatinFusionTV.comI arrived an hour prior to the start of the event and the place was already a buzz with hundreds of people in their best "fashion show" outfits. As I started seeing all the people, from cocktail dresses to full-on "Miss Texas" gowns, I almost wanted to run back to my hotel room and change into a tuxedo! I almost felt under-dressed!
Brother-Sister Act: Nick and Rita Verreos (she is wearing a NIKOLAKI gold beaded one-shoulder dress, naturally)But I didn't have time to go back to the hotel since almost the minute I got there-- with barely enough time for a final spritz of my travel-size cologne--I was whisked off to do pre-interviews with the local media. One, which I was excited to do, was with my sister,
Rita Verreos, who was reporting for, a San Antonio-based entertainment website.
The San Antonio Carolina Herrera: Carol Reyes' pretty cocktail dresses, IADT IMAGINE 2009Now lets get to the fashions: This year's
San Antonio IMAGINE 2009 Fashion Show consisted of 25 designers, each showing about 5 original designs, which (do the math) totaled to more than 125 outfits.
One Shoulder Chic: An emerald green organza design by graduating designer Carol ReyesThe designs consisted of a wide range from sportswear, juniors styles to cocktail dresses, to full-on Marie Antoinette-meets-a-Venice-Masked-Ball costumed gowns. There was also a designer who did menswear (with toned and muscled male models that really got the crowd all "hot and bothered" including all the young girls who were screaming). Another designer even did Mommy-daughter as well as Daddy-son designs (she had double the work!).
Masked Ball: A panier-ed cocktail number from the IADT IMAGINE 2009 showAll that was missing was a Maternity Collection! For a school that has only been up and running for two years and considering this was their first batch of graduating designers, I applaud every single one of them. There was so much creativity and originality from these kids. Congratulations to them for all their hard work and for allowing me to enjoy their designs--even from my "Emcee Podium" off to the side.
IADT graduate designer Alfredo Leija and his colorful designsI was invited to co-emcee along with the
host of San Antonio's Number One Local Entertainment/Lifestyle Program Great Day SA on KENS 5, Bridget Smith. I had never met Bridget, until the very minute I was led up to the stage and the producers said "OK, Nick we're ready to begin...oh and by the way... meet your co-host Bridget Smith...". She was wearing a bronze satin strapless bustier mini dress, great heels and a long beautiful blond mane of perfectly coiffed curls. So you know, right then and there I was like "You are FABUUUUUULOUS Miss Bridget!". I guess she liked that because we instantly hit it off. Bridget and I introduced each designer and then did our own fun banter in between (to kill time and make sure the models were ready for their next segments) for the entire 2 + hours of the show. A Mint Julep would have been very nice after all that!
Nick Verreos and co-host Bridget Smith (far right), host of KENS 5 "Great Day SA", the No. 1 Local Entertainment/Lifestyle Program (with Tanya Sammis of Mason PR)
Bridget and I had the BEST time. Even though we had never met or worked with each other, it was as if we had done this before together and for a LONG TIME!!! Not only was Bridget a class act in terms of her professionalism and demeanor, she was so great with the off-the-cuff filler and banter. She made the emceeing go as smooth as the silk dresses we witnessed on the runway. I later found out that
she wrote the most beautiful blog posting about her experience as well as meeting me. You can read it
I "HEART" Bridget!
IADT San Antonio Campus LobbyThe following day, I spoke for over an hour to all the incoming new students (it was "Orientation Day") about my experience in this crazy world of fashion design, the ups and downs in my 15+ years as a designer, pattern maker, instructor, as well as gave them some behind-the-scenes on
Project Runway. Oh and I also told them to take all those nasty
Facebook/MySpace photos of them shirtless doing a "woo hoo!!!" down (if they had any), since both college advisors and future employers are ALWAYS looking at those sites...I reminded them that they are not party hookers but future designers...
Get In Line: Posing for photos with Nick VerreosAfterward, I posed for photos and even signed some autographs. The fact that no one fell asleep at my lecture/seminar meant (for me) that I had done a good job!
Thanks San Antonio and thanks IADT--and especially it's President Lisa Kamenick for making me feel "at home" and for treating me so well.
Parting Shot: Uncle Nick says "Goodbye" to his nephew and niece, Alain and Casia at the San Antonio International Airport