Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Nick Verreos to Host the Rockettes at FIDM Thursday August 12Th!!!

Kick With Nick!

Hi kids! Well, I just got some FABULOUS news: I've been asked to "Welcome" the World-famous Rockettes to Downtown LA at the Fashion Institute of Design & Merchandising/FIDM!!! First, they will be showing their exclusive costumes to a selected group of FIDM's Advanced Fashion Design as well as Costume Design Students at a very special workshop.

But right afterward, I will "officially" welcome them at the Grand Hope Park, adjacent to the Fashion Institute of Design & Merchandising Campus. They are here in Southern California to promote their upcoming Radio City Christmas Spectacular performances at the Honda Center Dec. 6-7, as well as Nokia Theatre L.A. Live Dec. 9-12Th!!!

They will be there, in Costume, to show me how to Kick it! I will try and do my best "Nick High Kick" and then I have a feeling that the lovely Rockettes will then show me how to REALLY kick it:

So, join me tomorrow, August 12th from 2:30-3 PM to help me welcome the World Famous Rockettes! Maybe you will get to "Kick It with The Rockettes" too---and here's a BONUS:
Tomorrow, by showing up, you can enter to win TWO tickets for Opening Night of the Radio City Christmas Spectacular starring the Rockettes at the Nokia Theater for Thursday December 9Th!!

Here's The Dish:

What: "Kick It With Nick" Welcome The Rockettes with Nick Verreos

When: Thursday August 12Th

Where: FIDM Grand Hope Park, 919 South Grand Avenue, Los Angeles CA 90015

Time: 2:30-3 PM

No RSVP's needed, just show up!!!

The Ultimate Shape-up Schedule For my 3 Young Children When Moi is Looking GREAT!

It certainly took a lot of effort and know-how to procure STYLE when 3 young children are constantly around (which gets even worse during the summer), but I did it! ^O^

What's the secret?

1. Exercises:  I spend 4 to 5 hours a week to do my Power Yoga, TRX, Zumba, and ab-sculpting classes.

2. Nutrition: I took Vitamins. I found that all the oil gels proclaim to keep your heart healthy might eventually fatten you up so I only take Flax oil and Fish oil once or twice a MONTH!! haha... However,  I have not much concern about taking Gingo Biloba, Q 10,  Grape Seed, Vitamin D daily.

3. A real hobby that you almost do it everyday and keep yourself up in certain way: NOW Blogging for me! ^O^

4. Be loyal, focus and prioritize what you are and what you do!! Moi? A house "wife", then a mom, a partner of DH, a friend in deed.

5. Keep up yourself from the inside out and shall your DH keep up his good work for the family, you and his work!! (This is my faith and my personal believe.)

So what about the kids?

1) Niel's Summer schedule

Every morning:
9:00 to 11:30 English pre-publish speaking

lunch break

1:00 to 2:30 Creative craft for Kids

Monday                           Tuesday                  Wednesday                    Thursday           Friday
3:30 to 4:30                     3:00 to 4:30             4:00 to 5:00                  4:45 to 5:30       Mommy goes
Abacus                             English Reading     Fine art                          Piano class         to SF city  ^^
6:00 to 7:00                                                     6:00 to 7:00
Little tournament tennis                                 Little tournament tennis       

2) Abby's Summer schedule

She had two weeks of creative dancing and tap dance camp from 9:30 to 11:30

Monday                         Tuesday                  Wednesday                     Thursday           Friday
OFF                               OFF                         4:00 to 5:00                   5:30 to 6:00       Mommy's
                                                                      Fine art                           Piano class        free time ^^

3) Ilona's Summer schedule

Everyday is play day for her... she will start her school this fall from 9 to 3:30 everyday!! ^^ Yeah!! I am FREE!!!

So I am extremely busy everyday as you can see here.  On top of that, I have to squish time in between to take photos for myself, clean the house, do the dish, do the laundry, do the cooking......etc. w/o nanny's help.

That's how I KEEP UP w/ MYSELF!! Call me INSANE, if you want!

Have a great Wednesday!!
xoxo Rachel
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