So the other day I was harping on about one of the new lipsticks in the Topshop core collection and I have to take this opportunity to apologise. I stated in my post that the colour was called 'Confession' but I have since realised that is part of the name of the lipstick but the actual colour is called 'Ohh La La'. It can be found
here on the Topshop website. Sorry about that guys!

Now I adore this lipstick and being the perfect summer coral shade, it's definitely coming with me on holiday to Greece! I really like the formula because it feels comfortable and moisturising on the lips and has a lovely finish. It lasts for quite a long time and looks great with gold or bronze eyeshadow! I actually wore it last week and took some pics to show you how it looks on. I managed to capture the true colour of this gorgeous lipstick in these pics. I kept the rest of my makeup really simple because it was 25oC that day and I often find that a bold lip speaks for itself and doesn't need much accompaniment.
Face: Dior Nude Foundation
Estee Lauder DW Maximum Cover Foundation in Medium (used as concealer)
Korres Wild Rose Compact Powder
Dior Matte Sunshine Bronzer (Honey Matte)
Benefit Posietint
Eyes: Benefit Brows A Go-go palette (using light powder only for brows)
MAC Paint Pot in Soft Ocre (as a base)
Urban Decay e/s in Baked (all over lid)
MAC e/s in Vanilla (on browbone)
Korres e/s in Gold (on inner corners)
Benefit Eye Bright (on waterline)
Clinique Brush On Cream Liner in True Black (only on top lashline)
Estee Lauder Sumptuous Extreme Mascara in Black
Lips: Topshop Confession Lipstick in Ohh La La
You'll have to excuse the lacklustre hair-do in the was so hot, the ONLY thing I could do was tie my hair up in a haphazard manner!
And onto another topic...I was sent this next product for consideration and I must admit that I feel they may come in very handy! I had seen different versions of foldable ballet pumps but these are the most sturdy ones I have come across. They are called (quite amusingly) Tipsy Feet...
If you wear high heels, which I'm sure most of you do, then you will be very familiar with the burning sensation you get at the end of a long night courtesy of your lovely killer heels! After a few drinky-poos, copious amount of cutting funky shapes on the dancefloor then being faced with a long walk home after seeing the 5 mile long taxi queue, it's only natural to get that sinking feeling. That sinking feeling being the one where you know your feet will be in tatters by the time you get to your front door.
I love my high heels and wouldn't be without them but I've been known to throw a few four letter words at them on my walk home after a night out! With a couple of notable pairs, they're lucky they didn't end up in a skip! Tipsy feet are basically leather-look PU foldable ballet pumps that come in a carry case shown above. When you take the foldable shoes out, they are actually very compact...
The carry bag isn't the smallest so it wouldn't fit into a small clutch bag BUT if you're taking a slightly bigger bag out with you, then it will most certainly fit in. There's nothing more heavenly then taking off killer heels when you have been balancing in them all night long. The genius thing about the carry bag is that it unfolds into a bigger bag so you can pop your heels into that instead of carrying them around in your hand...never a good look.
They come in loads of different colours and designs to suit everyone's taste and you can get them
here from Purse Angels for £24.99. They are slightly more expensive but these ones are built to last unlike a lot of the flimsy throw-away ones that are on the market. I don't like to make a habit of promoting things like this on my blog but I feel like this product is something that would come in SO handy for most girls and it's certainly something I will be using from now on. My feet just breathed a sigh of relief after years of abuse!
Lastly, I just wanted to give you guys a quick update on how the whole weightloss thing is going. Since I just booked a holiday to Greece in mid-August, the exercise plan has been stepped up a notch to ensure that I don't feel like a whale by the pool!ha ha. Now I will let you in on a secret....I have NEVER worn a bikini before, mostly because I didn't feel comfortable showing that much of my body. However now I have lost a lot of weight, I'm starting to feel like it's something I could wear now.
Rather than dive straight into getting my belly out, I thought I would take baby steps. SO, I ordered this
Pineapple cutaway swimsuit at ASOS today because the sides of my torso are a lot more toned than my stomach (if that makes sense?!):
It still looks like a bikini at the back but it offers just that bit more coverage at the front. Since my stomach is my problem area (being an apple shape and all), I feel like this would be something that would be flattering on my figure! I am still a little bit scared though I must admit! But in a way, I feel like I have made some progress mentally if my stomach is the ONLY part of my body I'm not entirely happy with. There used to be many more problem areas!ha ha.
The gym is going really well though and I'm growing in confidence every day. I have been going to the gym 5-6 times a week and alternating being cardio sessions and cardio/weights sessions. Basically one day I do an hour of cardio mixing the cross trainer, treadmill, rowing machine and bike. Then the next day I do 30 mins of cardio and 30 mins of weights and resistance training. That way my muscles are always getting a chance to recuperate after the weights. I have noticed that this has had the most noticeable effect on my body and I can see it changing every week which is fantastic! I haven't been dropping 2lbs every week like I used to (because I have been putting on muscle) but I am definitely getting smaller.
I am going to have a look at some more Tone It Up vids on YouTube to work on those abs (groan)! It's my least favourite kind of exercise to do because I don't think my core strength is up to scratch BUT we all have to start somewhere!
Do you have a bikini work out you start every year?