Saturday, May 29, 2010

Packing Light (in the flight)~~ (Part I)

I just heard my friends' in Taipei said that it is getting HOT AND HUMID in Taiwan now. So I am going through my luggage again to kick out some more clothes which I wouldn't be needing them at all.

This is original my flying sure!


I still have time to rearrange my luggage and I will show you what did I pack w/ me. ^^

Stay Tuned!!
xoxo Rachel

Girls' Night Out!

We love sex n' the City 2 movies and I think all the gals in the movie theater had a great laugh yesterday!!! I even think some of the gals are too "high"(the mood) when watching the movie, and they laugh so hard that I start worrying about the wrinkles climbing on their faces after 

I will be heading to Taipei next Wed. and sure I know I will be missing my friends a lot here in USA. (I know you probably will see me on blog still so you won't forget about me!!! ^^)





I don't know what happened to my shirt...shrunk? Sure I don't like the exposed midriff there... :P

Happy Long Weekend!!
xoxo Rachel
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