Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Home Sweet Home

Since Chris was doing the 3 Peaks Challenge at the weekend, I decided to go home to my parents for a couple of days.  They only live about 17 miles away but it's more in the countryside so it's always relaxing to be out there.  Chris and 5 other guys from his work did the 3 Peaks Challenge (Ben Nevis, Scafel Pike and Snowden) in 24 hours and they raised £2,500 for charity.  Well done boys!  I was so worried that Chris would have a fall or break something since the wedding is only 12 days away! Luckily he came back unscathed.  It didn't stop me from worrying all weekend though.  Phew!

My parents house is a total haven for me and I love going back to to chill out and spend some time with my family.  I love their garden, it's so peaceful and we had the perfect weather to sit out, chat, have a BBQ and sip some vino...
I love the circular couches with the table in the middle that sits on the deck.  You can push them together to make a huge sun bed so you can soak up the rays.
My mum picked up this great piece of driftwood at a local dump.  There was a guy who was going to get rid of it, he picked it up in the Lake District in 1974 and had it in his garden but they didn't want it anymore.  When my mum said she loved it, he gave it to her for free.  I think it's a really nice ornamental piece for the deck and it's cool that it has such a history.

This is the gazebo that I used to hold my Come Dine With Me night a while back.  It's a lovely place to have dinner outside...
I really like that the garden is slightly overgrown because it makes it more natural and plus there are loads of little secret places where birds are nesting and little areas to sit and read a book.  It makes it kind of magical in a way.
Another thing I love about being home is seeing the dogs. Myself and Chris are desperate to get a couple of dogs but we just can't justify it when we live in an apartment in the middle of a city.  It wouldn't be fair on the dogs.  We are definitely going to get them when we move into a bigger place in the country though.  My mum and dad have two 5 year old Golden Retrievers called Hamish and Findlay, they are brothers from the same litter but they look very different.  Here's Hamish looking very regal...
He loves to cuddle with his teddies (notice they have duvets in their beds!!!Pampered pooches!)...
Whereas Findlay is happiest outside in the garden chewing on a bone...
But they are definitely happiest when they are together, head-to-head, falling asleep after a long walk...
They both had a treat this weekend because my mum's friend, Mandy, took her Golden Retriever, Isla over to play with Hamish and Findlay.  She is pure white and possibly the most gorgeous retriever I have ever seen!
Findlay follows her everywhere and we are convinced that he is in love with her...she doesn't seem interested in the slightest though.  He brings her teddies and toys as gifts, but so far, she's playing hard to get!
I had my final wedding dress fitting on Saturday afternoon and I'm glad to say that it now fits perfectly.  The back has been changed to a lace up design so it's alot more flexible i.e. I can tighten it or loosen it to fit like a glove.  I can't wait to wear it!

In my next post, I'll show you the sale bargains I bought over the weekend and also a product my mum gave me that has worked wonders on transforming my feet from trotters into soft tootsies!
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