I was reading Saskia the Salsa Fairy's post on a tag that has been going around the moment and she had invited anyone to continue the tag. I thought it was a nice way of getting to know the person a bit better and also a good insight into their style...so, here goes....
What's your favourite make up look?I love an illuminated golden bronzed look with subtle black winged eyeliner, glowy cheekbones and a nude lip. I don't tend to go for overly fussy looks as simple things seem to work best on me.
Do you have a beauty vice?I can never say no to bronzers or brightening/illuminating products. I have loads of them but always end up buying the latest ones in case I miss out on something! I just find that these kind of products are the quickest and easiest way to creat a healthy glow.
What part of your body do you love?Probably my eyes coz as my mum always says "the eyes are the window to the soul", you can tell alot from someone's eyes. Also because no matter how old and grey you get, your eyes remain the same (unless you get cataracts of course!!!). My boyfriend said my eyes were the first thing he noticed about me when we met (yeah right!men always say that...we all know what they were actually looking at! ha ha).
Who is your beauty icon?I would say it's been Charlize Theron for quite a while now. I just think she is such a classy, elegant woman and she is effortlessly sexy. Her make-up is always applied to enhance her natural beauty rather than to mask anything. It never looks overdone or heavy and she has a very classical sense of style, often choosing old hollywood glamour as an inspiration, which I love! I often think I should have been born in the 40's/50's coz I love the fashion and make-up of that era.
How do you look after your skin?I am religious about my skin routine (OCD fairy within me rearing it's ugly head again!). Although I have been blessed with good skin overall, I do sometimes get problems with psoriasis so I really have to make sure my skin is hydrated. I cleanse, tone and moisturise every night and morning. I have done a post on the products I use regularly if you're interested. I gently exfoliate daily and I try and drink as much water as I can. I don't smoke, I take multivitamins and I go to the gym so that probably contributes as well (I sound like a saint but I'm definitely not!).
What is your signature scent?It was Ghost Deep Night for a long time when I was younger, then my boyfriend bought me YSL Elle and I love that now. It's quite heavy so I generally only use it at nightime. I like Armani Code as well. Chanel Chance Eau Fraiche is one of my favourites for daytime though. So what I'm saying is...I don't have a signature scent, I just wear what suits my mood really.
What are your hair care secrets?I tend to use Keratase products but I switch them around with Aussie Luscious Long range when my hair starts to become immune. I also use Aveda Damage Repair Intensive Treatment once a week, which is amazing for strengthening you tresses. I get my hair highlighted every 6-8 weeks so I really have to look after it or I could end up looking like Worsell Gummage (for all the people who may not know who this is...google it if you want to have nightmares!).
How do you pamper yourself?I tend to have days (usually a Sunday) when I just blitz everything in one go - I have a shower and put on an intensive hair mask while I exfoliate my whole body, pluck my eyebrows, apply a face mask, sit down in front of the tv and put on something really girly like Sex and The City and then give myself a pedicure and manicure. I always feel so much better when I've done all of that and it's nice to spend a bit of time on yourself and relax.
What is your beauty pet peeve?The "you've been tangoed" look, obviously drawn on eyebrows that are too dark, brown lip liner/pale lipstick look, really clumpy mascara, bad hair extensions, blusher overload, super long talons painted red...urgh!
What would your desert island must haves be?Concealer (yes, I can't live without it!), Mascara (my eyelashes are too blonde and look non-existent without it) and moisturiser (I can't imagine living without the stuff!).
Finally, do you have a beauty philosophy?As I have said on my blog before, I believe that true beauty is on the inside and when someone is a good person, it shines through in their eyes. However, saying that, I believe that everyone has a right to feel good about themselves and just because you wear make-up, it doesn't mean you you're conceited (yes, I've had many a nasty comment made to me in the past). I've often pondered over whether I would consider myself to be vain since I wear makeup everyday and do my hair and I would never go out looking a mess. Maybe I am a bit vain, but I would never put the importance of looking good before my health or the people I love and I think that's the most important thing.
Now, anyone who wants to join in on this tag, please do! I'm looking forward to reading all the posts!