Throughout August London Zoo is open late (until 10pm) every Friday. Luckily, my lovely bf booked tickets weeks ago, as they sold out quickly. I love animals, and we all know I love cocktails (hehe) so there was no better way to start the weekend than with a few glasses of Pimms while ambling around London Zoo after work.
I would highly recommend it to everyone as a fun evening out. Just make sure to eat beforehand or arrive early with lots of cash as the queues for food/ drinks get very long and only cash is accepted at the tills. We managed to circumvent the queues by eating at the seafood/ oyster bar, which was predictably empty compared to the BBQ/ burger stands, but I know seafood isn't for everyone ;).
The rain-forest enclosure is definitely a must-see. These little monkeys were too adorable for words!!
If you haven't noticed yet, my favourite animals are giraffes. Who are your favourites lovelies? xxx
Monday, August 9, 2010
Miss Universe 2010: Nick Verreos Previews the National Costumes!!
National Costumes Do's and Don'ts: Miss Universe Preview

She's a Star: Miss Venezuela Marelisa Gibson's National Costume Sketch, by Yvan Dumont and Hugo Espina
The 2010 Miss Universe Pageant has begun! The live telecast is not until Monday August 23rd but the 80+ contestants from all over the world are arriving in Las Vegas, the site of this year's contest. The international Parade of Nations or Costume "Red Carpet", is always a part of the pageant that fans and pageant-watchers always look forward to.
Miss France 2010 Malika Menard shows off her white off the shoulder gown with French flag colors side drape. Don't miss the Eiffel Tower on a Beret hat design: A Do or a Don't?
People always wonder: "What CRAZY MESS did the local designers come up with now?", or "What over-sized Carnival flora-and-fauna concoction will Miss Trinidad and Tobago wear?" , or "Will Miss France go Can Can or wear the Eiffel Tower on her head (see above)?" Well, we haven't seen "officially" what the contestants are really going to be wearing during the "Miss Universe 2010 Parade of Nations" Traditional Costume segment yet, but one quick search on the Web and you can discover a "preview" of what they might show up to Vegas in...
Here's a DON'T: The new Miss Australia Universe Jesinta Campbell chose THIS to be her national costume. Let's break this down: Uggs , multi-layered overskirt with a sheepskin bolero/shrug? Aboriginal Tribal Bikiniwear Goes Cha-Cha is more like it! The Telegraph in the UK called it "a travesty". Ouch. This might have even been better:
On the European Front: Speaking of National Costume Dont's...
Bless Miss Romania and Miss Belgium (left to right) pretty little costumed hearts: Above are their supposed national costumes for the Miss Universe 2010. Miss Romania's dress looks as if a 12 year old who just started their first "Fashion Class" made it. And why are there bows and arrows on her back? And Miss Belgium's costume (I am guessing) reflects her country's love of tennis (?). I wondered: "Was tennis invented in Belgium maybe?" But a quick Google search enlightened me that no, it actually came from France and Great Britain.

A Little Voyage to Asia...
The 2010 Miss Universe Pageant has begun! The live telecast is not until Monday August 23rd but the 80+ contestants from all over the world are arriving in Las Vegas, the site of this year's contest. The international Parade of Nations or Costume "Red Carpet", is always a part of the pageant that fans and pageant-watchers always look forward to.

People always wonder: "What CRAZY MESS did the local designers come up with now?", or "What over-sized Carnival flora-and-fauna concoction will Miss Trinidad and Tobago wear?" , or "Will Miss France go Can Can or wear the Eiffel Tower on her head (see above)?" Well, we haven't seen "officially" what the contestants are really going to be wearing during the "Miss Universe 2010 Parade of Nations" Traditional Costume segment yet, but one quick search on the Web and you can discover a "preview" of what they might show up to Vegas in...
Here's a DON'T: The new Miss Australia Universe Jesinta Campbell chose THIS to be her national costume. Let's break this down: Uggs , multi-layered overskirt with a sheepskin bolero/shrug? Aboriginal Tribal Bikiniwear Goes Cha-Cha is more like it! The Telegraph in the UK called it "a travesty". Ouch. This might have even been better:

Bless Miss Romania and Miss Belgium (left to right) pretty little costumed hearts: Above are their supposed national costumes for the Miss Universe 2010. Miss Romania's dress looks as if a 12 year old who just started their first "Fashion Class" made it. And why are there bows and arrows on her back? And Miss Belgium's costume (I am guessing) reflects her country's love of tennis (?). I wondered: "Was tennis invented in Belgium maybe?" But a quick Google search enlightened me that no, it actually came from France and Great Britain.

Miss Slovenia's supposed national costume is a strapless white gown with "Inked" printings of important Slovenian "landmarks" on it. Her longing look tells me she's probably thinking "Why Am I Wearing This Mess?".
A Little Voyage to Asia...
Shows us hints of what contestants from Korea, Thailand and Japan might be featuring as their national costume. I like how "traditional" Miss Korea Kim Joo-Ri's costume is. Love the vibrant colors and the exaggerated headdress.

Miss Thailand Fonthip Watcharatrakul's costume sketch has been "released" as we can see above. It is supposedly "inspired" by the grand elephants of Thailand depicting the trunk and large ears. This should be really interesting! Can't wait for that one year when Miss Thailand's national costume depicts the drunk British kids who take over Phuket and do things very un-Thai...
Miss Japan Maiko Itai's is FAB-U-LOUS!!!!!! Go on Miss Japan! Whoever is coming up with Miss Japan's costumes for the Miss Universe pageants lately must be a FIERCE Drag Queen! This is Haute Couture Drama. Maiko: Go to Las Vegas and get your damn "Best Costume Award" huney!
The Latinas:
Miss Venezuela Marelisa Gibson's costume, designed by Yvan Dumont and Hugo Espina is not a Colonial Costume or a Native Amerindian concoction--these last two being the most popular choices for a Miss Venezuela.
Instead, for Gibson, the Miss Venezuela Organization and it's "house designers" decided on a costume loosely based on the sculpture by Alejandro Otero, Abra Solar (see above), located in Caracas Venezuela.
Designers Hugo Espina and Yvan Domont putting the final touches on Miss Venezuela's National Costume.
Miss Dominican Republic Eva Arias looks as if she might be choosing the more sequined route for her "traditional costume". It looks like an Amazonian Carib-Indian Princess who had too much money to spend at the local Swarovski crystal store. In addition, I am scared of that whip! But I have a feeling she'll work it OVERTIME. Speaking of working overtime...
There had to be an "honorable mention" for Miss Puerto Rico Mariana Vicente and this above. If she really wears this, she will get my "Nick Award" for the contestant most giving Flora and Fauna a new name! She's got the fringe to simulate rain, the ball gown/skirt made of leaves, the sequined leotard. And if that wasn't enough, let's just throw in a bunch of flowers at the shoulder. At-a-Girl. I am LIVING for it! Me gusta.
We'll see soon what costumes these women really wear in Las Vegas, but until then, I will hope and pray that they really show up with these, all in their Do's and Don'ts Glory!!!

The Latinas:

We'll see soon what costumes these women really wear in Las Vegas, but until then, I will hope and pray that they really show up with these, all in their Do's and Don'ts Glory!!!
Chanel ShangHai Collection.
Chanel Shanghai Collection.
I really like the royal blue accent on this collection.
The triple velvet camellia sandals is so sexy on. However, it is not as steady as I thought it would be. ($1595 USD)
I guess you can really walk gracefully in them!! No running, and not mom-friendly neither.
Random Diary... A day in the SF city!!

A yellow scarf!!!
Mine is a bargain $19.99 from Anthro. but this one is silk mixed w/ cashmere.....$129. I'd go for a Deal then. ^O^
Mine is a bargain $19.99 from Anthro. but this one is silk mixed w/ cashmere.....$129. I'd go for a Deal then. ^O^
They also carry Isabel Marat collection. ^^

I like the flow or ripple-like looking of Renee's cardigan.
Have a restful Monday at home!
Shall we!!? ^^
xoxo Rachel
I like the flow or ripple-like looking of Renee's cardigan.
Have a restful Monday at home!
Shall we!!? ^^
xoxo Rachel