1) Foundation Brush...oooh er, very professional!
2) Your fingers...mind they ain't grubby now!
3) A sponge...preferable not the one in the kitchen sink!
4) A mixture of all the above...how indecisive of you!
I personally apply mine with my fingers as I've always found that the warmth of my hands helps the foundation to blend into the skin really well. I notice that MUA's always apply foundation with a brush or a sponge on clients but I've always assumed (perhaps incorrectly) that that's more to do with hygiene than achieving the best finish.
I think one of the reasons I use my hands as well is because I get paranoid that I would be spreading germs on my face and risk an outbreak of spots if I used a brush/sponge to apply it! Plus you would end up having to clean it all the time or I would imagine it would get all gunky with dried up foundation...yuck! So my inner OCD fairy says no to the brush and sponge but I'm still curious as to why so many people DO use them...
I've never had a problem with blending my foundation when using my hands and I always get a good finish. I don't think there's a WRONG way of doing it, it's all down to preference and how much coverage you want. I have read that when you use a damp sponge, you get lighter coverage, using your fingers produces the second lightest effect and then using a brush gives the maximum cover you can get. I've never tried a foundation brush but have read that this produces the coverage required on photoshoots...which is alot!
So have you brush happy ladies noticed a difference in coverage when using it? It's like a game of beauty truth/myth!
I know they buff foundation on with brushes for photoshoots and it creates an airbrushed look but to be honest, nowadays, chances are the image HAS been airbrushed, only with computer software NOT makeup techniques. So I'm turning to a reliable source to find out the ins and outs of foundation brushes and sponges...you guys! Do you buff it in with a kabuki brush? Do you use a brush then a sponge to finish? Share the knowledge! Is it worth me investing in a foundation brush? If so, which ones are the top of your lists?
As a totally random section of the post and probably contradicting what I said about magazines airbrushing stuff...how amazing does Charlize look on this Elle cover!?...Gawjus!!!