Nice and cool river water.
They have swimming pool and river down the resort for different water fun for kids. You even can camp and B.B.Q. there. When we were there on Sun. it was very hot so I can't imagine myself B.B.Q. or even camp over night there......:P I told my DH that if one day, he feels like teaching our kids the real beauty of the nature and wants to go camp w/ them, then I'd ask for one thing. Please leave me in the hotel room where I can have my room service and hot shower any time I want. haha...... Oh, you know how I love traveling, to see the natural beauty and how I love the challenge to travel along w/ kids but I just can't tolerant the heat and bear the thoughts that I would look ugly and smell horrible in the wild!!!!! hahahhaha........Yah, I admit that I am categorized as City girl!! lol
Folk song (民歌手)singer!
Kids all love go swimming including mine!!
Kids had a great time and we adults had a great "catch-up" talks the whole afternoon. Although I felt dizzy and nausea under the sun for too long on the way home, I am glad that kids, DH and I really enjoyed ourselves this whole Taiwan trip.
Snack time!
DH didn't take a single pic. for me as I also forgot. Guess I was under the sun for tooooo long. haha...
Most of the time, my feet are RED......:(