Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Work It Out: Installment Vingt-Quatre

I promise there will be minimal rambling from me tonight as I am dying (hypochondriac? me?) from a horrendous cold. Between the tissues, Calpol and revision for my upcoming exams my outfit choices have been far from noteworthy this week. Since it has taken every ounce of energy to drag myself out of bed each morning for work and then back home to the books it's been polo necks and baggy trousers (yuck) all the way... not that I'm one to complain or anything ;).

However, last week while the weather was still tolerable and I was tanned (insert wistful smile at your convenience)...
 Dress: Laundry (purchased from Brand Alley). Hair Band: H&M. Shoes: Kurt Geiger.
Here is a better (though stolen from google) picture of the shoesies for your admiration. They are deceptively comfortable, and knowing that I got the last ones in my size on sale makes life seem that little bit brighter ;).

I hope you are all keeping well my lovelies! If any of you, like me, are suffering with the weather changes do look after yourself. My current cocktail recommendation of choice is 1 part Berroca to two parts soluble aspirin - tastes like poop, but it gets me through the day ;). xxx
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