Since the Summer sales have been and gone I am now beginning to run out of new purchases to show you. As a child I was always very restrained, never looking for my presents before Christmas, savouring that cohocolate bar for a week one piece at a time, and now I do the same with clothes and shoes. Now, I do not say this to mislead you, I am a complete shopaholic and if I see something I like I will most probably end up buying it. However, once it is lovingly hung in my wardrobe it can stay there for days, weeks, months and sometimes a year before I find the perfect occasion to wear it. In this way the joy of a shopping spree can outlast the damage to my bank balance ;).
With this in mind, here is a dress I purchased at the beginning of the summer sales (or rather my mama kindly purchased for me.. I can't even pretend to lie as she often mentions I don't call her enough and that she has to read this blog to see that I am 'still alive').
Dress: LK Bennett. Cardigan: M&S. Pearl necklace: Ukranian market. Shoes: Faith (though I only wear these to work on the tube, during the day I wore black patent Mary Janes).
I actually got so many compliments on this dress, and especially it's purple shade. I absolutely adore bright colours, even in the workplace (if you haven't noticed already lol).What is your take on bright blocks of colour? xxx