Red Carpet Dishing with the Countess...
Red Carpet Group Shot: Nick Verreos, Jennifer Rade, Lawrence Zarian and Countess LuAnn de Lesseps, TV Guide Network Emmys 2010 Fashion Wrap
The most affable
Lawrence Zarian is the new host and he did an AMAZING job! He hit a "Red Carpet Home Run"! Love him, admire him, and well, just wanna put him in my
TopMan blue Jacket Pocket! As usual, I was joined by my "sister"...

The most stylish and
UBER talented stylist-to-the-stars, Miss
Jennifer Rade (above, with
moi) Our very special guest was
"Real Housewives of New York City" star,
Countess LuAnn de Lesseps. OK, let me begin with: She was AMAZING!!! I had never met her and yet, the first words out of her mouth were "Hi Nick, I know all about are a FABULOUS designer, and your dad was a Diplomat and you grew up in Venezuela and you interned in Switzerland..."
Fashion Sandwich: Countess LuAnn de Lesseps, Nick Verreos and Jennifer Rade, TV Guide Network Emmys Fashion WrapI was like "Oh no you didn't!" Somebody did their Homework. This, kiddies, is rare. Can you say "
Money can't buy you CLASS?" If you cannot, I'll sing it! Six feet tall, size 2 and all FABULOUS! I loved to doing the
TV Guide Emmys 2010 Fashion Wrap and had a blast with all of them!

It was also a special joy when
Kim Vo (above, second from right) joined us to dish on the hairstyles. He was wearing the most comfy--and chic--
Louis Vuitton denim driving shoes and I actually threatened him, saying that he would probably leave here BAREFOOT! I can't wait to do this again for the next Awards Show!
In case you missed the show--and our "Best" and "Oh Rita Wilson, What Were You Thinkin'?", click BELOW for the entire TV Guide Emmys 2010 Fashion Wrap Episode: