Monday, October 3, 2011

London Trip: Part 2

We are still on photos from the Friday.  

We headed over to St James Restaurant at Fortnum & Mason for high tea with the lovely Angela who works in PR and I also got a chance to meet Farrah from Make Up It Girl blog.  Unfortunately Farrah had to rush off to get the train home but it was great to meet the woman behind the blog!

It was great to experience the whole high tea thing and it all felt so civilised!  We ended up chatting for 3 and a half hours so they were almost ready to throw us out by that time!

After that, we weren't ready to part ways so Angela joined us with Tali at a Morrocan restaurant in Soho.  The heat was incredible that day so I felt like I was slowly melting into a pool of sweat...lovely!

After the meal, Tali showed us around the area and took us on a quick tour of Chinatown before we headed off back to our hotel.

Since we didn't have VIP tickets for the show on Saturday, we got there slightly earlier and there was still so much to see!

Such a pretty way to display table plans!

I loved these jars of lemonade with 'drink me' tags on them!

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