Monday, October 3, 2011

London Trip: Part 1

What an amazing weekend we had in London!  

As you well know, the temperatures soared to almost 30oC most days and although we continuously felt like we were melting, you really can't complain about these things because it was a blessing to enjoy such lovely weather.

I decided just to split the posts into chronological order so we start off on Thursday afternoon when we sauntered along to Harrod's to meet Daniel Sandler for some tea and chat!

I wasn't prepared for JUST how lovely and kind Daniel Sandler was.  He took time out of his busy schedule just to meet us at his counter in Harrod's.  He was warm, friendly and so generous with his time and it was so great to hear about his life, career and projects he is currently involved in.  He has such a lovely energy about him and meeting him was the perfect start to our London trip.

We were all laughing because my mum couldn't work out how to use my camera and was getting all flustered...she eventually got the hang of it on the second day!

We then headed off to meet Tali of The Gloss Goss blog who has been a good blogging friend of mine for a long time now.  We got so distracted by chatting that we forgot to take any photos of our first proper meeting!  The weird thing is, it didn't feel like our first meeting and we both had a sense that we had met before.  You know that feeling when you feel like you knew eachother in a past life or something and it's immediately familiar and so comfortable? Well, it was like that! She is such a special girl.

Onto Friday morning and the start of the National Wedding Show at Earl's Court!  Luckily we had booked VIP tickets so there wasn't too much waiting around before we got in.

A lovely lady outside the wedding show offered to take picture because apparently we looked very excited. That could have been something to do with the fact that I was talking a million miles an hour!

We got straight over to claim our place at the bridal fashion show.  Mum was loving the fact that she was rocking my Focco bag!

The slightly awkward expression in this next photo was due to the fact that mum still hadn't worked out how to use the camera so I ended up posing like an idiot for quite a long time as people giggled in the background *cringe*.

Before the show, we quickly popped into the VIP lounge too pick up our goody bags and have some champagne.  Sure why not!

You can see why these caught my eye...

They were like a twist on the whole candy bar idea and can also be used as table centrepieces! They can use any type of confectionery you like and if you want a fun, whimsical wedding theme, then these could be perfect for you.

My personal favourite was the chocolate mint tree on the left of the picture smelt delicious!  They can even ship the products to you.  I thought this was a unique idea and great for brides who want something a bit different!

There were loads of beautiful wedding dress stalls and my mum was particularly distracted by them!

I really liked some of the ideas on this stall by The Wedding Lounge, especially the hanging rose spheres.

They had a really glitzy stand that caught my eye when I strolled past and I love the way they added fairy lights behind the tulle curtains.

How pretty are the favour  boxes below! They actually sell and ship these hand made boxes all over the UK too and can customise them to your wedding colour scheme/theme.

Also really liked the strings of crystals...

And their take on chair decoration...

There were some amazing cakes at the show and this stall by Wonderland Bakery was no exception...

They specialised in delicate sugar-craft and quirky cakes.

I loved this idea of putting a cupcake in a teacup!

How cute is the mini teapot, cup and saucer etc on this cupcake!

As mentioned above, we got a goody bag each as part of our VIP tickets and it contained all kinds of bits and pieces including copious amounts of chocolate, Ganrier body moisturiser, a hen party handbook for the UK and loads of samples.

So that's the end of my first post about London!

Stay tuned for the next one!
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