I have always found a million ways to wear my clothes or to carry my bags but I also have some friends who seldom wear/carry their luxe. clothes or bags just to keep those things fresh and new in the closet! ^O^ Even so, there is one thing that no doubt we are in common; We evolve styles from every single way of our lives as well as from each other's. Aren't we just the luckies gal friends on earth!!!
Hope your friends share the same passion as you!!
Hope your friends share the same passion as you!!
My rocker chic feminine look.
Tips, try a scarf as it seems always almost tie every piece together.
On me (both), Tsumori Chisato cat's face dot harem pants.
Beige blazer is every outfit's perfect match!!

1. Top:
J Crew beige/nude school boy blazer (2011)
Geo. print tank blouse (on sale at Anthro.)
2. Bottom:
Tsumori Chisato
3. Bags... BV as always in these days. ^^
Kron by KronKron shoes.
Style your friends if they look up on you!!
xoxo Rachel