Hi guys! I'm back from my trip to Cork! I had a fantastically relaxing holiday, ate waaaay too much easter eggs and I'm feeling really refreshed now. I love shopping in Cork because they have loads of shops that you don't get in the UK, as well as lots of little cute boutiques where you can buy really pretty accessories and one off pieces, safe in the thought that no one else will have the same stuff at home. The shops are brimming with nautical stuff at the moment and when I spotted this navy blue short mac with gold buttons and frill details in Dunnes, I just couldn't resist....

It's really nipped in at the waist with pleating on the lower half and is super flattering. It's a really light jacket too so I thought it would be perfect for Spring and the transition into summer. It looks really cute with skinny or straight leg jeans and flats. This next item isn't something new but I've found myself wearing it all the time. Toffee and Caramel leather is BIG news at the moment and I can't get enough of my leather biker jacket that I got for Christmas!

It looks gorgeous against blonde hair and I love wearing it with my really dark straight leg jeans, my long white cotton tunic that gathered under the bust, a long pendant and these shoes I picked up from H & M....

As you know, I don't generally do flats, I much prefer heels but in this case, I found THE perfect shoes that just have a small heel (just under 2 inches) with studded detailing on the heel, almond shaped toes and in a pale taupe colour. They are just the cutest little casual shoes I have seen in a long time and I'm going back to H & M this week to pick up the black leather pair because they are both only £14.99!!! Bargain!
Another item I found when I was in Cork was in a shop called A Wear. It's this adorable little pale grey cardigan with little beads all over it and diamante buttons. I figured it would replace my coats on warmer days and it's perfect for the layering trend that's around at the moment.

Here's a closer look at the detailing...

I tend to go for pendants in the summer, more than necklaces and I saw this one in French Connection that caught my magpie eye...

I took a browse around Zara and found this bright blue suede latticed bag (it's alot brighter in real life). I prefer across-the-body bags in summer as I like to have my hands free and they are just more convenient in general. It also came in bright fuschia and I was tempted by that one too, but I decided on the blue one since it will go with more of my outfits (about the only sensible thing I did all day!).

Today I took a trip to Boots as well since the Lee Stafford Hair Growth Treatment has been sold out in all the stores I had checked recently. I was hoping they would have some and it was my lucky day...there was only one left! I promptly snatched it from the shelf before anyone else could nab it. I really noticed a difference in the condition of my hair since I used up the last tub about a month ago. I bought the Bling treatment from the same brand and it just wasn't as good. I can't wait to start using this product again and get my hair in tip top condition again!
I also wanted to get a nice Coral nail polish...I love looking down and seeing this colour on my toenails on sunny days, it's so vibrant and it basically just reminds me of summer. I ended up getting the Revlon nailpolish in Tropical Temptation. I think I need to do a major foot overhaul and get them in a reasonable condition to be on show! I guess that's my own fault for being addicted to heels!

The last thing I got today was the much talked about Maybelline 24 Hour Super Stay Foundation in Sand. Foundation is a really important part of my routine so I was very intrigued by all the adverts on TV and in magazines boasting 24 hour staying power and a 'flexible' formula. I will be testing this out from tomorrow and I will post a review in the next week, giving my thoughts on it. If it does live up to it's claims then I will be VERY impressed!
This is the first day that it has felt like summer and I can't help but get excited. I love lazy summer days, when weekends are filled with barbeques, drinking refreshing cocktails (in the outdoor part of the bars for once!) and day trips to beaches. Bring it on!
Oh and me and Chris have now decided where we are going on our honeymoon, stay tuned for an update in the coming days!