Monday, January 18, 2010

Good Times/Bad Times


1) Myself and Chris are finally starting to get everything pieced together for the wedding in August and we are well within our budget. Although everyone always says “wow, you’re REALLY organised”, we’ve had to be, because most of the guests are coming from places like Ireland and New Zealand so they have to book their flights well in advance. The only things that need to be sorted now are a final decision on the decoration of the venue, bridesmaid’s corsages and men’s buttonholes, a final decision on my hairstyle/makeup and our first dance song – suggestions welcome because I’m struggling to choose one that isn’t super cheesy or clichéd!

2) We are heading to Sirdal, Norway on the first weekend of March with a big group of friends to go skiing…and it’s my first time! Eek! Chris bought me all the skiing gear for Christmas so I am all decked out now. I chose nice shades of varying blue of course…I’m such a girl.ha ha. I am nervous but excited about the whole thing. If anything it will be a great laugh and I will take lots of photos to show you guys…but I may edit out any of me falling on my ass!

3) The snow has finally gone! But shhhh…I better not speak too soon in case it comes back! It’s been a real pain over the past few weeks and I know it’s a shallow complaint but I haven’t been able to wear ANY of my new high heel shoes! It’s hard to find ‘sensible’ shoes to wear with a dress on a night out!

1) The January blues. A lot of people seem to go on a real downer in January and it creates a really depressing mood, whether it be lack of money, because Christmas is over or because they are starting a diet/quitting smoking/some other resolution that makes people cranky. I don’t really get the blues in January because I tend not to make resolutions at that time, there’s just too much pressure. I like to mix it up and make resolutions at other times of the year, that way you don’t have people asking you every minute of every day how you are handling it. The way I see it though, life is way too short to walk around feeling down all the time. Yes, everyone has bad times and situations that are tough, but you have to stay positive and remember all the good things in your life that you have to be thankful for. I had a really tough time last week which I won’t go into but I had to just cut the ties I had to all the bad feelings, let them go and get on with being happy. I mean, when you see things like the Haiti Earthquake disaster on TV, it really makes you realise how lucky you are!

2) Being ill - JUST after I had got over my chest infection/Pneumonia, I caught a head cold this week and my head is pounding. I'm sick of being sick!
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