1) I am IN LOVE with the Loreal Studio Smoothing Resurfacing Primer I got at the weekend...despite my rant about how small the jar is, this product is perfect for mattifying the face and making sure your makeup goes on smoothly and evenly. I'm uber impressed!
2) My hair is really behaving itself and has been great the last week or so but I think that's due to regular use of the Lancome Nutritive Intense Smooth & Shine Treatment. I will be getting my highlights done on Thursday so hopefully that won't set my hair back in any way!
3) I watched a YouTube video of 20 questions for Kandee The Makeup Artist http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bmsj6D1Awfs. If you aren't already subsribed to her channel on YouTube then do so right away. She is an amazing makeup artist based in LA and so good at what she does. Plus she always makes me laugh and smile (especially the dancing in the above vid!hilarious!). Watching one of her videos is like popping happy pill coz she is so excitable and enthusiastic about makeup. Check her out!
4) My impending swap of all swaps with Michelle a.k.a. LipstickRules. We have both requested different items in our swap so we are going to get stuff that we have both been lusting over for ages. My requested items include ones from MUFE and Lise Watier. Look out for the post from me...

Bad Times this week...
1) I placed an order with MAC on Friday morning and paid for next day delivery coz I wanted to use the products that night. I waited and waited on Saturday and it never turned up...I hate it when that happens!So I got on the phone to MAC and was told that it hadn't even been despatched yet and won't be with me until the end of this week. It kinda ruined my excitement over getting new goodies :(
I like to have more good times than bad times coz I'm a positive kinda gal! I had to have a wee rant about the MAC thing though...I'm sure that will all wear off when I receive my order and start drooling over what i got though!
What are your Goodtimes and Badtimes this week?