I said I wouldn't get any more for a while and I gave in. But I can explain! I needed (ok, wanted) a nice matte beige eyeshadow base and I know that Mac Paint Pot in Painterly (above right) is probably one of the best ones. Then I saw Mac Paint Pot in Bare Study (above left) which is a champagne shimmer and I wanted that for a more glowy eye.
I also picked up a Mac classic that I didn't have...Creme De Nude. As I suspected, it's a perfect shade for me...it's probably the perfect shade for everyone. I thought I would love it and I was right. It will now sit proudly with the other 50 nude lipsticks I have but they're all slightly different...honest.ha ha.
Then...I remembered that another beauty blogger, Shangri-La, had commented on one of my posts a while back that the Mac Liquilast in Aqualine looked amazing...and boy was she right! It's the most gorgeous bright turquoise and I plan to use it as a nice slim line of colour on a neutral eye (possibly using Painterly or Bare Study...see!I told you I would use them!). I have been inspired by Kelly a.k.a. Kelanjo19 and her bright eyeliner looks using the GOSH liquid liners (which I am also coveting!). I want to find a deep metallic navy liquid liner so if anyone knows of one, gimme a shout! I wasn't sure about bright liner until I saw some of her posts and that proved how great it can look when you keep the rest of the face glowy and neutral. Check out the colour below! Beautiful!