Unfortunately the reality is that us girls have a constant battle trying to make sure our legs are skirt ready at all times! The reason I'm writing this post is because I have been pondering the options and I want to get a quick poll on how you deal with this problem...do you use a razor? Waxing? An Epilator? Hair Removal Cream?
I want to look into all areas of this because for years now, I have just shaved my legs but no matter what razor I use, I always end up either cutting my knees/ankles up or I get a bumpy rash on the inside of my calf after shaving my legs. This is really annoying...sometimes shaving works fine but on other days it can go seriously wrong, I end up with blood running down my knees, looking like an extra from a teen slasher movie! (ok, maybe not that bad).
I remember buying hair removal cream when I was about 16 and trying to use it on my legs...I can honestly say that it didn't remove all of the hair from my legs AND it wreaked to high heaven...like burnt hair...urgh! That put me off the stuff for a long time but I'm assuming there must have been some progress made with these products in the last 10 years (god, has it been THAT long since I was 16???...). I've seen creams advertised that exfoliate AND remove hair so I would be interested to know if this works? Does anyone use these kind of products? If so, which ones are your favourite?
I have some friends who use Epilators but I gotta say that it sounds too painful for my liking. Apparently the more you do it, the less it hurts and I do like the idea that it lasts alot longer than shaving. I hate having to shave my legs every three days, it's just a pain in the neck really and I don't think it's very good for my skin. I really don't like the idea of waxing simply because a) it hurts...alot! and b) you have to grow your hair long enough to be waxed...that just ain't gonna happen people. I am meticulous about these things and it would drive me mad.
I dream of permanent laser hair removal and then I would never have to worry about it again...but since I'm not loaded and can't afford the very hefty price of those treatments, I will just have to once again, look to my beauty blogger lovelies to offer some ideas :)