What better way to break up the University semester than taking a small vaycay to beautiful Bali :)
Bali, a small Indonesian Island located West of Darwin, is home to some of the most tropical jungles in the world, picturesque beaches, unique Hindu heritage, a pumping nightlife and an out-of-this-world shopping experience. While I had previously visited Bali twice before (a long long time ago) I had no idea what to expect and was eager to discover what this intriguing island could offer.
I soon discovered that the shopping in Bali was far from your average street market or road-side souk... It was boutique shopping at its best, at that is just the start. Not only are the streets of Seminyak lined with prominent boutique shops with decor to die for, but hidden away in the alleys and laneways are some of the most interesting and eleborate stalls from inctricate lantern designs, leather to last a life-time and tailor shops capable of turning a simple picture into the next Vera Wang creation.
One of my favourite stores was 'Lily Jean', a womans fashion boutique which was a culmination of stunning fabrics and prints and filled with everything sequinned, tassled and bodycon. Another favourite includes the inspirational 'Magali Pascal', a combination of designs ranging from feminine lace pieces to biker jackets and studded accessories.
Lastly, the amazing Shakuhachi fulfilled all my shopping desires as I was able to buy it cheaper than in Oz. A tip, if you are ever in Bali a visit to these stores is a must (all located on Jalan Raya Seminyak).
:) Ella