Style Off: South Bay Galleria!!
This past Saturday, I hosted the first--of several--Project Style "Style-Off" contests--I have been invited to do. The location: Redondo Beach and South Bay Galleria, near LA.
This was the second time I had been invited to host Project Style at the South Bay Galleria, so I was excited to come back!! Project Style--in case you were wondering--involves finding the Top Trendsetter for each Shopping Center/area. They are chosen as Finalists after going through several rounds of judging.
After the Finalists are picked, they are given a $200 Gift Card to purchase clothing in which they will style themselves into an outfit. Then, at the "Live Style-Off", they model their look in front of judges who choose the Winner--The winner gets a $1,000 Gift Card to shop some more!!!
Soon after arriving at South Bay Galleria, I got to check out the new Swivel Virtual Dressing Room, which features many different brands of clothing which shoppers can "virtually" try on and choose via a webcam. The Swivel Virtual Dressing Room Company, actually came over to my NIKOLAKI Atelier not too long ago, took very detailed photos of several of my gowns, to then add into their program.
Naturally, as I got to the Swivel area, I wanted to see how I would look in one of my NIKOLAKI red carpet gowns!!! It was FABULOUS!!! I actually look good in a red silk ziberline strapless gown!!! I could have stayed there ALL day virtually trying on clothes, but it was soon time to go host "Project Style". First, I did a fun Meet-and-Greet with South Bay Galleria Shoppers, fans and Project Runway fashionistas:
Pics from the fun "Project Style" Live Style-Off Contest:

For More Photos, Check out Live Love LA,