Thursday, May 12, 2011

Requests please!

This post is brought to you by a very dodgy Italian wi-fi connection that I have managed to secure by hanging off the hotel balcony, so it must be speedy for my fear of losing my laptop to the mountain winds.
Soon I will be taking part in a 'Get the Look' type project in conjunction with Babyliss where I will be able to create a hairstyle with the aid of a professional to guide me through the steps! I'm really excited about this opportunity as it gives me the chance to really learn how to do all those styles I always wanted to, but never knew how. So with this in mind, which hairstyles would you most like to see me create?
Please leave comments below, or if you have a specific request (and a photo for inspiration or reference) do e-mail me with your ideas at The most popular style will be featured :)!
So far my twitteristas have picked out bouffants and easy up-dos as their favourites. What are yours? xxx
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