Give Me the Pomeranian!!!!
Well, kids, I am so happy to announce that last month, I filmed a FUN and very FABULOUS Virgin Mobile Commercial. And it's OUT!!! Virgin Mobile is introducing the newest of CELEBRITY COUPLES: SPARAH!!!

Anyhow, in the commercial, I tell Sarah (half of "Sparah") that, as any Hollywood A-List Celeb Magazine Cover Girl knows, she needs a DOG to make her look more FAB. Now, you know I love me some fashion, and I also love me some dogs! (Hi Miss Bennyz!!!), so this was so much fun to be part of. I loved every minute!
In addition to my commercial, you can follow "Sparah" in their journey to becoming the new A-List Celeb couple. Click HERE for all the details. And in the weeks to come you will see me making a few more guest appearances!!
But for now, the commercial is out! Enjoy!!!
Click Below for the Commercial: