Monday, May 23, 2011

Nick Verreos Judges Los Angeles Castings of Season 9 Project Runway: A Snapshot!!

Did we find the Next Project Runway Winner in LA??

Judging Ensemble: Nick Verreos judging the LA Castings of Season 9 Project Runway

One week ago--last Monday to be exact--I had the honor and privilege of being asked to take part in the LA Castings of Season 9 Project Runway and be a Judge! This was my 7th season being part of the casting panel and of course, I was happy to be part of it again. I donned my newest ASOS jacket, one of my vintage Hermes ties and my bubblegum pink Adidas watch (I'm dropping labels left and right!), took my notepad and pen, and I was READY!

As you may already know--those of you who might in the "up and up" on all things Project Runway---the producers of the show have begun the Pre-Casting process, and have held Casting Sessions to find the next season's cast of designers in places like NYC, Chicago and Seattle. This time , it was up to Los Angeles to "bring it"! I had a great time seeing a very diverse (!) group--from just-out-of-design-school "kids" to very seasoned veterans of the fashion industry--from San Francisco, LA, San Diego and everywhere else in between!

I'll be very curious to see if any of the "Very Best" from LA made it through... Stay tuned and make sure to watch lifetime Network and the next season of Project Runway airing this summer!!!
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