We are back from Hawaii vacation.... it's great to be back home.
While my vacation instantly finished but my little ones as it is still their spring break except me/mom. My hands-full day,..... No complaints here! ^^
Ilona did all that make-up herself while I am busy buying consealer to cover up my pimples on the face....{which is my biggest and complimentary souvenirs from Hawaii trip. grrr,....}

More or less we all got a little tanned!

Having fun wearing two earrings in one side! { to do so just to keep the earrings holes from growing intact. :P}

More or less we all got a little tanned!
Having fun wearing two earrings in one side! { to do so just to keep the earrings holes from growing intact. :P}
Outfit du Jour ON me:
Rock and Republic flared jeans,
Karen Walker tortoise daddy sunglasses,
DKNY scarf cardigan,
Chanel black caviar mini flap,
Reclaimed mink earrings w/ silver chain and sapphire charm
BCBG generation pink/peach wedge (just too comfortable not to wear it)
Have a nice weekend!
xoxo Rachel
xoxo Rachel