Where could you stay when traveling overseas...such as San Francisco?
A place like home, sweet home where you can cook, sleep, eat at the same place and even do your laundry as well as large enough to accommodate for a whole crew of friends and families.... plus, not a place that would cost you arms and legs.
The answer: Vacation Home!!
(NOTE: I am not affiliated w/ this website nor benefit from doing advertising for the house.)
It happens when, today, I visit my friend, Renee, in San Francisco to give her 11' Cruise CHANEL brooch I bought in Milan then she already had a whole day schedule planned ahead. One of the plan is to be a food judge for a cooking contest.
Interesting, right!??
The employees/friends of this Broderick Victorian vacation home company are having a cooking contest which they are requested to cook in every dish w/ papaya... green or yellow/orange. So, off we go in the afternoon after we stopped by Hermes!! ^^ (NOTE: I didn't buy anything there, I am only go w/ Renee.)
The pretty hall way!
Girls are cooking against boys today~~ ^O^

Upstairs, boys are cooking w/ the receipt shown on the computer.....funny!!
Upstairs, boys are cooking w/ the receipt shown on the computer.....funny!!
A bonus room for kids/adults to hang out!
One of the nicely arranged bedroom.
Thanks for arranging all this, Boss!! lol.
Spicy Mussels w/ papaya
sweet papaya salad
Green papaya stir fry
One of their host...Mida (golden retriever), who loves chewing/eating/biting tissues, papers all sorts! ^^
Judges are all giving good critiques for the food!!
hum.... I think they are thinking of the taste of food "lingering" in their mouths!!! ^^
(NOTE: We didn't get to eat when the cooking contest is on-going w/ at least 10 kinds of dishes and it lasts about 2 hours or so.... I am drinking red wine the whole time while I shot around in the house.... finally, starving,...and my stomach hurts......... lol.)
The whole day was fun and now since you know how cozy/friendly the house itself as well as the hosts, I am sure you will love staying here next time when you visit San Francisco!!
You are having a déjà vu here??? Well,...yes, I worn this whole ensemble couple days before!!
However, I had it accessorized differently....gloves and Manolo blahnik water snakeskin tan/green d'orsay pump!!
Yu gifted me this cozy/chic gloves w/ studs for Christmas.
We had one of the best India food on Polk st.... so spicy and in-mouth-melting-away chicken....just the way I love about India food!!
Are you traveling soon?
Have a happy Sunday!
xoxo Rachel