Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween!

I hope you are all having a super fun Halloween my lovelies! As I absolutely love dressing up I never miss an opportunity to do so, and Halloween is definitely a great time to go a little bit crazy. Even though in England we don't celebrate this holiday half as much as our cousins on the other side of the pond (yes I mean you USA!) I would never let that quash my spirit ;).

Can you guess what I was this year?
Though the coat, Ugg boots and leggings weren't strictly part of my outfit I think you can guess where I was going with this ;).
Since I have pretty much exhausted my 'scary costumes' repertoire I decided to go for something a little more 'exotic' this year. I know it isn't very Halloween(ish), but the theme I was working with was an arabian princess/ Disney's princess Jasmine/ belly-dancer. The bf accordingly went as Aladin... though he was evidently having problems with his lamp ;).
I bought this costume when I visited Dubai a few years ago and still had not had a chance to use it, so what better time. 
My favourite part of the costume was definitely the makeup. I had SO much fun doing a full on arabic style eye, especially as I haven't had a chance to create a really dramatic look in quite a while! Would you guys be interested in a tutorial on this?
 I only used a few shadows in this look to try and match the colours in my costume, but it did take quite a while to get them to blend seamlessly.

 Oh makeup, how I do love thee! I wish everyday was a chance to dress up and play!

What do you think of my efforts? Should I stop scaring the children? What are you dressing up as for Halloween? xxx
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