Monday, September 27, 2010

If You Like Glitter, You'll Love This...

Hey, I hope you all had a fun weekend! 
I spent mine out with friends, having a meal with my lovely husband at our favourite French restaurant and going to the cinema to see 'The Last Exorcism'.
I remember the other week I was watching The Saturdays 24/7 on TV and I saw Mollie from the band getting a manicure done.  She got the coolest pink glitter nail polish applied and ever since then I have been obsessed with finding something that fits the bill.  I haven't worn glitter nail polish since I was a young teenager but I think it actually looks really fun if you wear it with the right outfit.  For instance, I would never wear it with a sequin dress or anything too busy.  But, when worn with a more simple dress and a black blazer, it adds a little touch of tack that looks more quirky than childish.

This is just a quick post to show you a new nail polish in my collection from Orly called 'VIP'.  It has to be the most perfect polish for my fancy dress outfit as's pink, it's full on glitter and it's very in-your-face 80's. It's not a polish I would wear everyday but it's actually a really fun polish when you want to go more glam.  This is what it looks like after two coats...
Something I do remember about glitter nail polishes is that they can be impossible to remove but if you make sure you apply a good coat of clear polish beforehand then it should be a cinch to remove.
The Orly VIP polish almost has a reflective metallic look to it when you see it from a distance.  I never thought I would see myself wearing a glitter polish as an adult but you know something...I love it!  It's incredibly girly but hey, I'm a girly girl so that's fine by me!

Would you rock glitter polish or do you prefer something more subdued?
And here's a pic of Wolfey...just because! Isn't he just the cutest little thing ever! I love him because he is such a gentle soul, he never bites or scratches and he's just adorable.  He makes me smile :)
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