Baking - We got fancy kitchen scales for a wedding present so I really want to get back into baking again. First on the bake list is this Chocolate Meringue Truffle Cake...num, num! I'm not entirely sure why I love baking/cooking so much. I think I just love to make things that people enjoy eating, it's really satisfying. I really want to try making shortbread too since that's a very Scottish biscuit. Although I love to bake, I have to make sure I don't end up eating too much of it so I often give it all to Chris to take to work with him and share with his work buddies. Have you guys got any amazing recipes you would like to share?
H & M and Zara online - I'm a big fan of both of these shops so I was delighted to hear that they are both opening online stores so we can all have more access to their great clothes! Plus if the stores near me are out of stock of anything I want, I can always check online which is handy. The Zara site is now open and the H&M one will go live in about a week and a half...woo hoo! H & M is always great for affordable fashion and I love the shoes in Zara.
Group Holiday - Myself and Chris had a great idea to go on a group holiday next year with around 15 friends. We just wanted somewhere where we could go to the beach, do some sightseeing and go to some bars/clubs at night. We have been looking at Kassiopi in Corfu, Greece...there's some amazing private villas there that you can rent out for a week and it works out at around £175 per person. The fact that we would get our own pool, amazing views of the sea and a games room with a pool table makes it worth the while! I've never been on a big group holiday before so I can't wait!The Inbetweeners - I only just got into this show a couple of weeks ago but I've already watched the first two series. It's like a mixture between American Pie and Peep Show but more than anything, it just reminds you of the awkwardness of being a teenager, trying to become more popular at school and generally embarassing yourself in front of the opposite sex. Hilarious! If you haven't heard of/seen it yet, look it up on's definitely worth a watch!
Coffee Table - I was sitting in the livingroom last week, minding my own business just surfing on the laptop when our glass livingroom table collapsed in front of me. It made the loudest noise and I actually screamed like a big girl - it gave me such a fright and I swear it's taken 5 years off my life! I couldn't believe that a glass table could just implode like that fr no apparent reason. There wasn't anything heavy on it and we've had it for about 3 years...very strange, very strange indeed! Chris ran through from the other room when he heard the noise and me screaming and he said "If that hadn't of happened when I was in the flat, I never would have believed that you didn't touch it!". I'm glad he was here or I would have got the blame!

Weightloss - My weightloss went really well on the run up to the wedding but I must admit that I have taken a break from it over the course of the honeymoon. I have only just got back into going to the gym regularly in the past week. I stepped on the scales, covered my face, then peeked from my fingers to see how much weight I had put on over the course of 4 weeks. I have put on 5lbs but I'm thinking that it could have been alot worse given that I was eating/drinking whatever I wanted on honeymoon! So as much as I have loved having a break from a weightloss routine, I need to get back on the wagon, get back to the gym training plan 5 times a week and start getting back into shape. I'm so much happier when I feel fit and I know I can achieve what I want if I put my mind to it.