This week was the beginning of the Fashion Institute of Design & Merchandising/FIDM 3 Days of Fashion. It's when high school (and above) students from all over the country come to see what FIDM is all about and check it out as a possible school to attend for those interested in the Fashion Industry.

First Up: FIDM Orange County:
For 2010, I decided to bring my Nikolaki gowns and "star" models such as the fabulous Amanda Fields, who, besides being a muse and "House Model" of mine, she was also on Project Runway Season 3. We had a fantastic time in the OC (as I always do!).
FIDM Los Angeles:

Over 400 High School students (and their parents) came to the final day of FIDM Los Angeles' 3 Days of Fashion, and I was the "Grand Finale"(yeaaayyyy!!!). Again, I brought model Amanda Fields and some of my Nikolaki gowns for everyone to see and enjoy.

Miss Amanda WORKED the runway--and crowd--wearing a black silk taffeta "Flamenco" styled tulip-shaped gown. She looked UNBELIEVABLE in it and you could tell from the "ooohs" and "aaahs" from the audience.

I also brought one of my favorite gowns, a "Hibiscus"-print silk chiffon high-neck gown which has over 30 yards of fabric. Again, the crowd went "wild" when she sauntered onto the FIDM LA 3 Days of Fashion stage/runway and showed all the kids what a model in COUTURE should look like!
After my speaking appearance and mini-Nikolaki Fashion Show, both Amanda and I spent over an hour taking photos and signing autographs (as we did in the OC!) with all the attendees. I hope everyone had a blast, enjoyed my talk (sorry I went overtime!) and best of all, were inspired.
Click BELOW for Video of both the OC and Los Angeles 2010 FIDM 3 Days of Fashion: