Raquel Verreos, My Mom...
Jim and Raquel Verreos, Venezuela, circa late 60's-early 70'sAnd you wonder why my mother was my "original" Muse? Hello! Take a look at that bouffant! And that effortless sense of style. Something that obviously attracted my dad back when he was a Foreign Service Officer working for the US State Department. I found these old photos of my mom and since it is
Mother's Day, I thought it would be nice to put them here--as a Tribute to her.

Here she is (above) at a Diplomatic Function in
Panama (Central America), with all the other foreign Diplomat's wives (the wives of the Chinese and Japanese Ambassadors I think, among others)--love that pouffy skirted dress! Very 60s Retro Chic. Oh, I forgot, it was the 1960's!!!

And here is my mom not too long ago--OK, about 14 years ago, at my sister, Rita Verreos', wedding in Athens Greece, wearing one of my
Nikolaki Custom Made-To-Order Creations, a silk crepe cocktail dress perfect for the Mother-of-The-Bride....in a Grecian Summer Wedding!
Happy Mother's Day. Thank you for all those sketch notebooks, pencils, crayons and Vogue Magazines you bought me when I was only 14 years old! I think you had a "Mother's Intuition" of what would happen later...