1) We picked up the wedding ring at the start of the week and it’s just perfect…platinum with diamonds…so beautiful. It compliments my engagement ring really well and it makes the whole thing feel so much more real! I can’t wait to be Mrs Murphy! Only 4 months to go! It’s weird because I was so busy planning the wedding for months and now everything has gone quiet. I sometimes get a bit nervous that I’m missing something or have forgotten to do a heap of stuff but people keep telling me that it’s normal for things to go a bit quiet at this stage.
1) We picked up the wedding ring at the start of the week and it’s just perfect…platinum with diamonds…so beautiful. It compliments my engagement ring really well and it makes the whole thing feel so much more real! I can’t wait to be Mrs Murphy! Only 4 months to go! It’s weird because I was so busy planning the wedding for months and now everything has gone quiet. I sometimes get a bit nervous that I’m missing something or have forgotten to do a heap of stuff but people keep telling me that it’s normal for things to go a bit quiet at this stage.
3) My fiancé, Chris, managed to survive his Stag weekend in Liverpool! He went away with 19 of his friends (half of them Irish) so it was a VERY rowdy affair. They had a brilliant time but Chris was mortified when they stripped him completely naked in the middle of a pub and forced him to wear a very small woman’s swimming costume! Needless to say they took a lot of pictures and videos of the whole event! I’m so glad that hen weekends are a whole lot more civilised!

1) I woke up yesterday with an almighty spot on my chin and it’s REALLY sore. It’s almost like an insect bite and it’s all swollen, it actually hurts when I move my face. I have done the best I can to camouflage it and although you can hide the redness with concealer, you can’t hide the lump! I never normally get spots like that and it’s no fun. I will be trying the age old aspirin mask trick tonight to try and get rid of it because it feels like it’s just getting bigger!