I went to a fancy dress Haloween party last night and decided to go as the Tim Burton character 'The Corpse Bride' and if you aren't familiar with that animation then here's what the inspiration was...
I looked up a makeup tutorial on YouTube for te character and followed it to the T. It took about an hour to do the whole makeup look as it had to be built up in layers. I had to draw on some crazy eyebrows which pretty much mad me look sad ALL the time but that was the idea. They look squint in the pic below but that's just because of my expression. I used alot of products I already had in my makeup arsenal (such as MAC Mutiny pigment!). Unfortunately I didn't get a full length pic of my outfit but a few other people did so I'll have to get a copy off them. I had a lovely blue rope wig, tiara and veil to wear! I spent most of the night absolutely boiling! ha ha.
I also did Chris' makeup and he was dressed as another Tim Burton character...Jack Skellington. He was supposed to look like this character....

All the effort on the face painting paid off because we won a prize for best combined costume! I was really shocked as everyone else had put in loads of effort too and they all looked great.

And here's my handy work (this pic was taken towards the end of the night so the some of the paint had faded)....
What did you guys dress up as?