Those are the rules for a blogger who receives Honest Scrap Award!!
1. I need to tell you 10 honest things about myself that you don't already know
2. I need to forward this fab award to 7 bloggers whose blogs I find brilliant in content and/or design or who have encouraged me
3. I need to tell these 7 lovely people that I have given them the Honest Scrap Award.
First of all, I think I'd love to give this award to 7 wonderful bloggers. (I think I will tell them tomorrow. :P)
- ....Love Maegan.com: I love all the DIY projects of hers.
- Bag Craze: Love all the trendy, classic, fancy bags on her site. When I don't shop for bags, I go over to droll at her site. :P
- Haute World: I love her site. Fashion, travel, the most beautiful lighthouse in the world, Paris!!!
- wardrobe Review: Just how much I love J Crew these days, I love her site as well. BTW, she has cute collection from her own designs.
- Angelina's Cafe: Little price for Big Look. Love her site.
- Lions, Tigers & Fashion OH MY!!: A genius of thrift shop hunter!! :) Pretty girl, w/ brilliant ideas of wearing her clothes.
Here are 10 honest things that you MIGHT NOT already know about me!! :P
- I don't eat RICE for dinner but I eat bread, coffee cake, or even brownie for breakfast.
- I do 15 push-ups everyday.
- I take Gingo bioloba pill, Vitamin C, Collagen C, Flax seed oil, fish oil, Q10, grape seed, multiple Vitamin and drink mixed high anti-oxidant fruit juice everyday.
- I went to almost 10 beauty pageants when I was 18 just for the rewards/money/cosmetics....!! :P Most of the prize, honestly, sucks!!!! (Not the case of now, I assume.)
- I met DH in college when I pursue my mater degree in computer science. He is an instructor in college but we were not teacher-student relationship.
- I attended 3 colleges before I finished my master classes in Cal Poly San Louis Obispo.
- I am obsessed w/ BOYS II Man when I was in college. In fact, I would sing their songs to DH and my 3 kids sometimes. :P
- I wrap both my calf w/ hosiery every night to keep my legs THIN.
- There are 5 pilots/captains in my family including my Dad who flies Air Bus 300, Air Bus 600, 747-200, 747-400, MD-11, ....etc.
- I was a flight-attendant for 1 1/2 yrs only and decided to study abroad in USA. I like the idea of keeping regular hour of my routine. As for the time in between, I am quite a spontaneous person.

- THE SARTORIALIST: The greatest inspiration of all designs!!
- BALLET NEWS: A journalist who reviews, writes about ballerinas. Can't have enough of knowing people who are really talented in ballet.
- Purse Addict: Jenny has an incredible fine taste about heels. Of course, mostly is Christian Louboutin and they all are TDF.
Please check out their blogs and get inspired as I do!!
xoxo Rach.