These days, I seem to have my wages spent before they arrive in my account. It's 2 weeks exactly until the money fairy is going to sprinkle funds into my bank account and my growing list of beauty and clothes lustings have already swallowed a great big chunk of my pay!
For example, I already have my eye on these shoes (Gold shoeboots from Dune £95 and studded fringed boots from River Island £84.99). I just can't help myself! I keep imagining all the wonderful outfits I could put together with them. They are just gorgeous and they
keep calling out to me...so really, it's not my fault, it's
theirs...they won't leave me alone until I buy them.

My weakness is definitely shoes and makeup. I have a 'Lust List' that I keep on my computer...yes, I am THAT sad! I add products to it that I have seen people rave about or just ones that i want to try and then I strike them off as I get them. The weird thing is the list never seems to get smaller though...
So does anyone else have a list like this? What is your weakness when payday arrives?