-Irina : Of course! That trench was FABUUUUULOUS!!!!
-Louise : Why does Louise keep getting stuck in the "middle"? I just don't get it. Week after week, she is consistently great!
-Logan: His design was sexy and very young Hollywood "It" girl. Not to mention HOW CUTE IS LOGAN??? He just needs to drink more Red Bull and put a "pep into his energy and personality" step.
Not My Faves Awards go to:
-"Boris and Natasha" Nicolas: His bitchy commentary is more amusing than his creations.
-Johnny: Liar liar pants on fire...oh but I would have loved to have seen his Hitchcockian Bleeding Birds dress.

Tim's soliloquy at the end of last night's episode was PRICELESS!!!!! He did not hide his contempt for poor little Johnny and his Burning Man beaded necklaces.
Click HERE to read my entire Recap of Episode Five on MyLifetime.com and be sure to tell me what you thought and leave your comments!