Sunday, August 16, 2009

My Style Icon

You will have heard me say before that I really admire the style and makeup of Charlize Theron. I never hear anyone else say she is an icon, but to me she is the epitome of class and grace. She is an amazing actress who, in the film, Monster, put on weight and appeared on screen bloated and rather unattractive. This brave step made me admire her even more. I mean, you wouldn't see many hollywood actresses who would be willing to put on so much weight and be shown in such an unflattering way. This proved to everyone that she was a real actress and she was willing to forsake her looks to get into character. Her make up is always so understated, effortless and natural and she often opts for a bronzey eye look with nude lips. Her style is uncomplicated and chic and given that she has a very natural beauty, she doesn't need flamboyant clothes to shine. She is a great example of someone who wears the clothes, rather than the clothes wearing her. She also manages to be incredibly sexy without really showing any flesh. It's very rare to see her in anything revealing and I really like that she keeps it classy. I also like the fact that she isn't overexposed in magazines, you don't see her in reality shows or continuously pushing her personal life in people's faces. Saying that, she is a regular in the best dressed pages...I rest my case.
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