Monday, July 13, 2009

Make a Wish w/ Russia Babushka doll!!

My friend, Michelle asked me about my opinion of Chanel Babushka doll's necklace once and I said "Not worth getting it"!! Now I am not so sure if I would say the same thing to this adorable babushka doll clutch!! lol However, even I want to find it, this doll clutch is probably long gone by now!!

I have a real Russia Babushka doll made in Russia which is a gift from 10 years ago! I couldn't find the same one in USA since this set of 15 nesting dolls are truly intricate!!

This is the biggest one which has the most exquisite engraving.

Total 15 of them! (2 are missing from the pic.)

I heard that you can make a wish w/ these nesting dolls. If your wish comes true, you can open one until all 15 are all open!! I never made any wish w/ them, guess I was too realistic of a person myself.

I don't know if each engraved temple/castle on the dolls represents something.

You can't open the smallest one which is only the size of the little finger nail.

I adore those golden tone Babushuka dolls very much.

I normally place 5 of them as representing 5 members in our family!

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