The first one was from Elf, they have kindly sent me their Golden Bronzer to review. It's basically got 4 shades that can be used individually or swirled together for an all over glow. This will be the first time I've tried a product from Elf so I'm excited to see if a brand that is so affordable can also perform well. Expect a review coming very soon! In the meantime, if you have used this product already, let me know what you thought.
The second parcel was from SunLabs and they have sent me their Express Liquid Tan in Dark, Self Tanning Lotion in Very Dark and their Self Tanning Spray in Dark. The Express Liquid Tan is just a wash off lotion for when you need to get bronzed in a hurry! I saw Natalie's post on www.nattyngeorge.blogspot.co.uk about her top picks for tanning and sun labs lotion was one of her favourites. Since she has the most gorgeous tan and said it was the same as St Tropez...I'm definitely looking forward to using it! I always get nervous when using a tanner for the first time but I will report back on how I get on with this one. So stay tuned girlies for a review and as I said before, if you have used this product already, feel free to post a comment and let me know your thoughts.