Taroko National Park
The yellow skirt styled pants is made from India which I bought at the hotel.
There are lots of activities we can do inside Promiseland hotel.
I only brought ONE pair of sneakers and you know, you really don't need to bring much clothes or shoes when traveling Taiwan.
Splish, Splash!!
They also have couple salty spa behind this swimming pool.
Nothing is better than knowing a place when traveling w/ locals. We visited my aunties' family and had dinner and lunch the next day. We visited Kwang Fui sugar/ice cream factory and had lunch today at Cifadahan Cafe and they serve everything organic in the menu. I feel I am so close to the nature this whole trip.
Entrance of Cifadahan Cafe!
I didn't have the chance to try their coffee since I already had two cups during breakfast buffet.
I always feel very mysterious n' curious about natives culture when seeing those hand-carved wooden status.
Inside the restaurant.
After lunch, we walked around the neighborhood. Niel and Abigail are curious about why does the mother dog have breasts. lol
My kids are stoned when I told them the mother dog is nursing her puppies after birth.
I saw almost everyone wears "harem pants" in Taiwan and indulges themselves w/ all kinds of prints or embellishment. I am so amazed by our native's braiding skills who made all baubles so unique and so intricate. Our native deem "owl" as their night guard and they made lots of cute patchwork "owl" into keychains, decoration, or even little coin purse. I bought couple things as suvieniors and wish I had bought more!!
Last pic. before we are heading back to Taipei.
They are all my little memory of Hualien city.