Well it seems that I am going back to my alma mater this weekend. On Saturday, I will be hosting and making a "special appearance" at the University of California, Los Angeles /UCLA at the "Closing Night" events for the Out For Work Organization. I graduated from UCLA and got my Bachelor's Degree in Political Science/International Relations (yes, kids, I got my education!) before I decided to pursue my real love of fashion design and now I will come back to my old Westwood stomping grounds!

I will be speaking this Saturday April at De Neve Building, Plaza A & B from 5:30-7 PM and talking one-on-one with interested students wanting to know how to appropriately dress for interviews and when they finally get that great for job; what's appropriate for a corporate position as opposed to a more "creative" one.
Come by and say Hello; I will be there to meet and greet and maybe even take a Facebook photo or two!
Click HERE for all the details and hope to see you there!!!