Do any of you remember the old MAC Smokey Signals collection? It came out in Auguest 2007! LOL

Well, I decided to give this old goodie life again. I used the "rondelle" & "waft" colors from the "smokey eyes" palette.

Here's the list of what I used....
Bare Study Paint Pot as a base
MAC Rondelle - silver eyeshadow inner corner
MAC Waft - Grey/Blue on the rest of the eyelid
MAC Twinks eyeshadow - golden brown color in the crease
MAC Carbon eyeshadow to deepen the outer corner
MAC Smolder eyeliner to tight line
MAC Blacktrack to line upper lid
Dior Diorshow Mascara
Red Cherry Lashes in # 103
Let me know what you think & THANKS for visiting my page. :-)