Friday, October 8, 2010

Work It Out: Installment Vingt-Trois

In one of my earlier posts I featured a navy Juicy Couture cardigan and was surprised by how many of you lovelies commented on it. Since Juicy Couture isn't a huge brand in the UK, and isn't very easily accessible, I think a lot of people are not aware of their extensive clothes range, other than the infamous 'velour' tracksuits ;). I therefore wanted to show you some formal pieces I have from Juicy.
Suit: Juicy Couture. Shirt: Gap. My public transport ballet flats ;): Faith.

I purchased this suit a very long time ago when I was visiting New York. I think I was about 18-19, so I wanted something smart to wear for internships, but still age appropriate and fun. 

The shape of the jacket is classic and flattering, while the shorter pleated skirt adds a younger twist. I still absolutely love this suit, though I do sometimes feel like a schoolgirl in uniform while wearing it. I probably only have a few years left to wear it.. and get away with it (especially as my Birthday is approaching very soon.. the 28th!!).

P.S. - I wish my school uniform looked like this.. we had loooooong, thick, navy wool skirts, pinstripe shirts and v neck jumpers - more Hoggwarts than Cruel Intentions ;).

What do you guys think of this modern take on a classic suit? Cute or preppy uniform? Are you surprised that Juicy make suits?
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