Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Rapidlash - The results

Back in July I embarked on my second journey with a lash enhancing product - Rapidlash. If you missed my first post you can find it here. I had previously tried Lilash and had fantastic results, but was not keen on spending £90 every few months to maintain them, so Rapidlash seemed like the obvious choice, at less than half the price.

Now I know you don't want to hear (read) me waffle on so here are the results after almost 3 months of use.

Yes, I am wearing mascara in both of these photos as my camera is not very good on the macro setting. The same mascara was used in both photos so it shouldn't affect any apparent differences. Plus, as I normally wear mascara I thought it would be more useful to see what my lashes look like on a daily basis.
I can definitely see a change and am happy with the improvement in both the length and the health of my lashes. They definitely feel stronger and less brittle and I seem to be losing fewer than I used to (though this may be just psychosomatic). Although the changes have not been as dramatic as I had with lilash (ie. less curling and length) I actually prefer the effect that Rapidlash has had as the results look much more 'natural'. This is not to say that lilash is not 'natural', as of course it promotes growth of your natural lashes. However, with Lilash my  lashes were far too curly, which made them tangle and look a little strange. As you can see there isn't any noticeable difference in the number or in the volume of my lashes, which was to be expected.

I haven't had any problems with changes in eye colour or irritation. Though like Lilash Rapidlash does occasionally make my eyelids a little red, because my eyes are sensitive and often irritated by dust, pollen etc. this isn't a big issue for me.

As I am nearing the end of the tube I am seriously considering repurchasing as I love the results. Since it is available from Boots.com (here) it is easily accessible, which makes me justify the puchase even more... what else are clubcard points for? ;)

Have you tried Lilash or Rapidlash? What has been your experience? Can you see a real difference in the photos above or am I justifying another unreasonable purchase to myself? xxx
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