Monday, September 7, 2009

YouTube beckons...

Hey everyone, hope Monday wasn't too painful for you all, I got through it surprisingly unscathed!

Just a quick post to say that I've been musing about whether to start posting YouTube vids but I'm in two minds about's the Pro's and Con's that are rattling around my head...

  • I can share more of my makeup/hair/nails/clothes obsessions with you guys
  • You will get to know me a bit better
  • I can go into alot more detail about products when doing reviews
  • I can do FOTD and demonstrations on video


  • I'm a wee bitty scared that someone I know will come across my channel and rip the proverbial out of me for rambling on about makeup!
  • I'm not sure how good my digital camera is for video mode
  • I don't particularly like the sound of my own voice, or at least the way it sounds when it's recorded (why do you sound SO different to other people?????)
  • I'm not sure I have a whole lot more to contribute than what's already on YouTube! I mean I'm no expert or makeup artist and there's some really skilled girls on there!

So, I need to take a few opinions on whether you think I should go for it and start posting vids or whether you think there are enough beauty bloggers doing that already???

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