I got nominated by Bubblegarm!!!
Thanks! that was really sweet of you!! Link to her blog: http://bubblegarm.blogspot.com/
- Jenn! http://lipglosseater.blogspot.com/
- Superficial Girls! http://superficialgirls.blogspot.com/
- Necessary Makeup! http://nessasarymakeup.blogspot.com/
- Aubrey! http://fafinettex3.blogspot.com/
- Debbie! http://debdoesmakeup.blogspot.com/
I love to check out fellow bloggers, and these all rock, it was so hard to choose as everybody has a rockin' blog! :) x
1.When you receive this award, show that you're happy to the giver!
2.Nominate at least 5 blogs, that you think rocks!
3.Let them know about award in their post.
4.Now blog like you've never blogged before!